A week before Congress returns from its August recess, there are already signs that a recently announced Justice Department investigation into the CIA’s harsh interrogation techniques of terrorism suspects will be a source of tension between Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill.
"They’re making it so the people at the CIA are afraid to do anything,” said Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Frankly, it’s gone way too far."
No one is above the law? Great comment, great battle cry, but last time I checked we were kinda at war. Does this mean our military will now face criminal charges for murder? Alot of great people are giving everything they have for this country. If some terrorist is on a waterboard, I won't loss a minute's sleep. -Jeff
If a person violates the constitution that they vow to uphold, someone needs to be held accountable. Even if he was a president . There needs to be a clear message that no one is above the law. There are people in prison for stepping across boundries and they believed they were justified at the time, but wrong is wrong, big or small. -Isaac Arnett